Digital portal
A digitally curated collection, 2020
Cover photo by Chiara Negrello
Funerals, concerts, religious services - nearly all basic life activities have been reimagined and reconstructed to take place virtually via a screen. The effect is both comforting and unsettling.
We do the best we can and carry on, but are often left unsatisfied. Ultimately, this exhibit is an exploration of our ever evolving relationship to technology and how it can both reflect and inform our behavior in unforeseen ways.
Father Enrico Schibuola from Rovigo Cathedral transmit virtual Mass through his mobile phone. Rovigo, Italy. March 27, 2020. Chiara Negrello via National Geographic
Unable to attend the funeral in person due to Covid-restrictions, Massimo follows a live broadcast of the ceremony. Rovigo, italy. March, 2020. Chiara Negrello via National Geographic
“Elsa does some exercise in our living room. A strict ban forcing French citizens to stay at home came into force on March 17, 2020, prohibiting all outings except for essential ones in order to curb down the spread of the virus”. Paris, France. March 20, 2020. Rafael Yaghobzadeh for covidtimes_project
”Watching my daughter making her "art at home" .... With this, I confirm how beautiful the ballet is and also with this I have been able to admire the dedication, passion and discipline that somebody can continue to have in their disciplines, even taking online classes. Me and our dogs have witnessed and enjoyed these so much.” Mexico City, Mexico, May 2020. Laura Gutierrez
“The time was lockout for all. Students were obliged to study online. My kid in the photo is lying while in the same time doing his exercise. I personally see that time an opportunity for quality education and the love of it. In school he would never study that Way!” Goulmima, Morocco. November 1, 2020. Hicham Filali Zehri
“Due to the pandemic situation with Covid 19, quarantine has been declared in many countries of the world, including Georgia. A lot of people have lost their jobs, and many of them continue to work from home, as 23 old Nika. He is a teacher and records video tales for his pupils.” Tbilisi, Georgia. April 8, 2020. Zurab Chachanidze
The photographers
This exhibition is a curation of known professional photographers, as well as images taken by everyday people, capturing the realities of the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photographs have been curated from news sources as well as social channels.