Two pandemics
A digitally curated collection, 2020
Cover photo by Vitalise Severin
As the world struggled to catch its collective breath amidst a pandemic, America erupted over the loss of breath of an entirely different kind - one that has been forcibly and systemically removed from black Americans for years.
A long trail of inequality reached a boiling point in the first week of June as people poured into the streets to protest a series of graphic and high profile recent deaths including that of George Floyd. Though masks and protective gear can been seen, many calculated racism as a larger foe and risked their lives to make their voice heard.
This series aims to provide a first hand account of a country growing from a painful past as it struggles to find a more equitable way forward into the future.
“This weekend, thousands of people all over the country took to the streets to demand justice for George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor, and Eric Garner, and Michael Brown, and Trayvon Martin, and Atatiana Jefferson, and Freddie Gray, and Kimani Gray, and Shantel Davis, and the thousands more black people who have been killed by police, and to demand an end to the brutal system of white supremacy that has made these murders possible in addition to countless other injustices and acts of violence. New Yorkers joined in these actions of rage and mourning. The vast majority of these events were peaceful, but tensions at night in Brooklyn boiled over as police clashed with some protesters, in neighborhoods like Flatbush and Bed Stuy where police brutality has been endemic and where residents are bearing the brunt of the pandemics deaths and economic fallout due to structural inequality and racism. I've never seen these streets like this. I've never seen the police respond so aggressively to a demonstration here.” New York City, NY. June 2, 2020. Natalie Keyssar for New York Magazine
“Over the last five days, protests have been taking place here in the Twin Cities and across the country demanding justice for George Floyd… I’m still finding the words to articulate what these days have felt like for me. I’ve seen it all. I know that my city has a long road ahead to restoration, but I wholeheartedly believe in us. People are showing up in ways they are able.” Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 1, 2020. Patience Zalanga
“For me, the importance of this picture is that I think it shows how everyone feels right now. We are watching history unfold and sometimes we are just observers taking it in…like these ladies in this moment. Watching and waiting for something to happen – good or bad. It’s very surreal – and I feel that when I look at this image. My hope is that meaningful change will come from all of this and my pictures are just a small part of showing this moment in time.” New York, NY. June 4, 2020. Malike Sidibe for Time
“I went out again yesterday to continue documenting #georgefloyd #protest in manhattan for @time. I encourage everyone to not stay silent. Let your voice be Hurd.’ New York, NY. June 1, 2020. Malike Sidibe for Time
“On June 5th, 2020, a solidarity protest against anti-black violence was held in Utrecht. After George Floyd was killed by a police officer in the United States, several massive protests have been taking place in The Netherlands. In the city of Utrecht, thousands of people gathered during a peaceful demonstration in solidarity with the movement in the US and against anti-black violence in the Netherlands. This family that I could photograph just showed up with their children shouting Black Lives Matter and people around them just starting also to shout. It was amazing, I also asked for permission to take the shot and the father allowed me. I think it's a very strong image because you can see behind them the Dutch police looking at them, I was very lucky to be there at that exact time and place.” Utrecht, The Netherlands. June 5, 2020. Romy Fernandez
“Went to the George Floyd’s memorial service here in Brooklyn. A range of emotions were felt by all. Anger for when Bill De Blasio spoke about change that he hasn’t done. Sadness when Terrence Floyd, George’s Brother, spoke with tears in his eyes. Hope when Jumaane Williams spoke of the power of the movement and black women.” New York, NY. June 5, 2020. Jelani Rice
The photographers
This exhibition is a curation of known professional photographers, as well as images taken by everyday people, capturing the realities of the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photographs have been curated from news sources as well as social channels.